Our Objective

To improve public services, to increase productivity, to reduce costs by £ billions and to increase voter control at a local level.

Public services – health, housing, immigration, policing, potholes, even probate to name just a few – are poor quality.

And they are expensive because of low increases in productivity in the public sector – just ⅙ᵗʰ over the 12 years to 2019 compared to the private sector.

Government must do what any charity, company or football club does when it realises that its organisation is failing:

  • It appoints experienced objective professional top management from outside the organisation who are not imbued with its culture.

  • It decides what its core business is and gets rid of the rest.

The mechanics of the UK government are not working.

News and Insights

All-party strategic plans

Northcote Trevelyan 2
Effective Management

  • Download our new report here.

  • A later report will look at how the UK government can be radically decentralised.

The Effective Governance Forum (EGF) is non-partisan. Our Advisory Board members are cross-party and represent each tier of UK government from Parliament to District Councils.