The Effective Governance Forum

A cross party campaign

  • to improve public services

  • to increase productivity, to reduce costs by £100bn+

  • to increase voter control at a local level.

The mechanics of UK government are not working

Public services are poor and expensive

  • The head of the National Audit Office recognises that ‘the way that the country has delivered quite a lot of public services is coming to the point where it’s unsustainable, both in terms of the quality of service for people, and the cost to the taxpayer’. February 2025.

  • The public knows this and wants reform — 87% for the NHS, 82% for social care and policing, 78% for education.

  • Politicians also know this and have commissioned 17 major reports since Fulton in 1968 to try to to right the system. Not one has made a lasting difference.

The underlying reasons why none of these 17 reports succeeded

  • They all failed to diagnose that the underlying cause is lack of professional management at the top. Government does not apply even the basic principles of good management.

  • The role of government has changed hugely over the last 100+ years. But the system of management remains much the same.

  • The blame for poor performance lies not with civil servants and politicians. They have impossible jobs. It is the system of government which leads to failure.

Our Objectives

Immediate action is needed

  • The two most successful Prime Ministers of the last 50 years, Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair, took nine years and seven years respectively before they attempted serious reform of the machinery of government.

  • With the dire state of public services and the grave challenges facing the country, we cannot afford to wait that long again.

  • Thus the reform of management should be this government’s top priority.